Monday, August 23, 2010

Table Talk

average food...don't waste your time or money
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

black vs african american

this is a re-tread post from a facebook discussion i had a few weeks ago (some of you commented)...

the comments mostly tended toward just simply american (utopia at best)'s my post after several responses...

"..i appreciate the discourse...a lot of points but i think this is a multilayered concept that goes far beyond any of our experiences...

for the record...on the census my race is black and my passport is american. i refuse to qualify what type of american i am. voluntarily or not, the roots of my family tree were planted in this continent's soil long before a great many other “americans” but not the original americans. i think that qualifies.

i agree with @ron. it is an insult to those of true african descent. i've seen africa from off shore...that being said, the africa medallion i brought back in the early 90s still hangs from my rear view to me chuck d!

the concept, for me, resides in the history a people who were forced here against their will and then had any proud identity systematically (and violently) stripped away. 1 jan 1863 began the long road to actually being seen as americans. since then, those of original slave descent have struggled to be seen as just americans and not of lesser citizenship. while at the same time witnessing those of <pick an ethnic background> achieving simple “american” status within a generation or two.

so every couple decades or so, we look to further qualify our status as belonging. while we didn't designate the original classifications thrust upon us, we have since taken the task of reclassification to make us feel more american. at some point we will realize the utopia is being identified as american (as we ALL are overseas) by those who carry the same passport we do.

until then, i'll be a proud american that checks the black box on the census. maybe we should ask the NATIVE americans what they would be comfortable with the rest of us being called. hopefully one day they can say something other that invaders."


and so it begins...

ok world...welcome to the world of simple musings from a very simple guy...over the course of this journey, i will share my thoughts and observations as i have them and get the chance to post.

i'll share the restaurants that i get to (the good, the bad and the gastronomically ugly)...i'll intentionally start conversations about the "taboo" topics of our society (race, religion and politics).  please join in even when its difficult...i'll post pics that i find beautiful, thought provoking and strange.

you don't always have to agree or support a thought, premise or argument. but please always be respectful of others thoughts, feelings and opinions.

let's do this thing....
